Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Edgematching in ArcView 3.3 combine with Append function of ArcGis 9

Edgematching is to combine multiple themes (shapefiles, feature classes, etc.) into a single file. To combine a huge size feature class in ArcView 3.3 is difficult because it will generate an error called "segment violation", thus I used the append function in ArcGis 9. First is to create a blank feature similar to the one you want to edgematch, then edit the table similar to the feature table you want to combine using ArcView. Next is to follow these steps:

ArcCatalog Method:

1. Launch ArcCatalog.

2. Access the list of ArcToolbox functions by pressing the button or using the Window > Arc Toolbox pulldown menu.

3. In the ArcToolbox list, navigate to and double-click the Append tool, found here:

Data Management Tools > General > Append

4. Drag-and-drop (or browse to) one or more input themes from ArcMap into the Input Features list.

5. Drag-and-drop (or browse to) your output theme in the Output Features text box.

6. In the Schema Type field, choose “TEST” if you want to ensure that files will only be combined if they have the same attribute fields. In this case, the destination theme will receive all features from the input themes as well as their attributes values. If your input data have different attributes than your output data, you will need to choose “NO TEST” to complete the append function.

7. Press OK.

To view the step-by-step procedure with images just visit this site http://www.urban-research.info/ur/GIS%20Skill%20Builder-Merging%20Themes.shtml

After combining the themes, Open it in ArcView, then zoom in the edge, then connect the two lines with another line.
Credits: GIS Skill Builder: Merging Multiple Themes

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